Protecting Essential Workers During the Global Coronavirus Pandemic

Posted 5 years ago

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic is requiring social distancing for weeks – or possibly even months – to come, there are large classes of workers required to continue working in services and businesses that are considered to be “essential”.

Examples include those that work at facilities that specialize in health care, grocery stores, pharmacies, and similar work sites. These individuals face immense risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. It is imperative that they are properly protected during this crisis.

Massive Infections

The coronavirus pandemic has not only resulted in a shock to our daily lives in the United States, but abroad. Gatherings, social functions, the ability to congregate religiously, or simply to sit down to a meal in a restaurant are now all considered to be “foreign”.

People have to stay apart in order to reduce the massive spread of the infection and to mitigate the virus so that it does not result in an immense burden on our health care system. For some, though, the request has been made that they continue their work and put their lives at risk each and every single day.

The Dangers

Most essential workers that are continuing their professional functions work in positions that require them to be in close proximity to other people. They have the highest chance of being exposed to a multitude of diseases and infections, and they interact with people, face-to-face on a regular basis.

Tens of millions could be potentially exposed to the devastation of COVID-19. The most vulnerable? Those that work in the health care industry, food preparation workers, stock clerks, grocery store clerks, and public service personnel. The dangers? Serious illness, organ failure, respiratory failure, and even death.

What Can Be Done?

People still require medical care, prescriptions, groceries, and the assistance of public services. What can be done to protect the workers in these industries?

First and foremost, social distancing and implementations that protect the workers from the respiratory droplets of others – such as face masks, face shields, gloves, and even protective shields placed on counters. Secondly, clothing.

Essential workers should be covered – from head to toe. First, their clothing should identify them and their function. Second, they should be given protective head and face wear – such as hats, masks, and shields.

Shirts, jackets, and similar items worn should be long-sleeved. Even the protection of the neck area is advised. Long pants should be worn. Additional items such as smocks, cobblers, and aprons should be provided for reduced exposure to infectious agents.

If items are in low demand, UV germicidal lights should be utilized to kill germs from protective clothing. Additionally, shift hours should be broken up so that prolonged potential exposure is not a risk. By taking these simple steps, it is possible to protect our essential workers, their families, and their lives.

We Can Help

We here at specialize in customized clothing. We offer cheap custom polo embroidery for identification, hats, smocks, cobblers, aprons, long-sleeved clothing, protective uniforms, and more.

If you employ essential workers, it is advised that you protect those individuals in all the ways possible. When this all passes, we need those same individuals to be healthy and servicing our nation.

By taking steps today to protect essential workers, we are creating a safer tomorrow. For more information, you may contact us today by calling: 888-353-7656

Posted in info for small businesses

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