Port Authority S608 Long Sleeve

  • Port Authority S608 Long Sleeve
  • $31.49
  • $29.49

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Port Authority S608 Easy Care long sleeve dress shirt

Look great at your company or in front of customers with little to no hassle. The Port Authority S608 Easy Care logo shirt looks terrific right out of the wash.

*  The 45% polyester content in these company dress shirts provides a wrinkle resistant experience and a lasting great look.

*  The shirt weighs in at 4.5oz. which is remarkably lightweight for a corporate shirt with long sleeves.

*   The fit and finish on these button down dress shirts include a back box pleat, a contrasting color inside the color and button through sleeve plackets.

*  Buttons that are dyed to the same color of the shirt make sure your custom embroidered logo is the only thing on the shirt that gets noticed.

Sizes available for the Port Authority S608 range from extra small through 6XL.

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Customer Testimonials

Michael Turman

Skeptical about ordering online...Especially from a vendor I have never used before. But the cost was just too good to not try. I am glad to report th..

Mike McIntyre

We chose ePolos after trying numerous other websites. Brian has excellent communication and delivers a great product. We ordered a dozen polos that ca..

Gayla Vance

I worked with Brian who was so attentive to details and personal preferences. He was professional, happy and made this process go so smoothly! He cal..

Brenda L Hosler

My shirts for Veterans Day are gorgeous. I will definitely be ordering again. Prices were great and the quality even better! Best customer service,..

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