Tips for Multi-tasking Mother Entrepreneurs

Women are blessed with the ability to multi-task effectively, something scientifically proven that men aren’t exactly capable of. So if you’re a mother with dreams of owning your own business, why not take advantage of this special skill?

The first step would be deciding what kind of small business you want then how much time, energy, and of course, finances you are willing to invest. Once you’ve got all of that figured out, you may want to take note of some of these important tips to keep you on top of things:
  1. Keep everything clean and organized from the start.
  2. Put both personal and work appointments on the same calendar so you don’t overbook or double up.
  3. Remember that your priorities are your family and then your work.
  4. Schedule at least one day of the week for you to relax and take care of yourself.
  5. Make a list each month of what you intend to get done.
For more tips, visit

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