Motivating Your IT Staff for Clearer Goals

MotivatingKeeping the IT department motivated helps ensure that the company maintains a healthy information infrastructure.

Computer World came up with 5 ways to motivate your IT staff without spending too much. Below are tips on how you can boost your team’s performance:

  1. Communicate with your team – Find time to engage in an informal chat with your IT team. You may discuss non-professional topics or any work-related issues that may concern them.
  2. Clearly set the team’s goals – Update your team regularly with the company’s general operations. Make sure that your IT staff is included in general meetings and that they receive updates about their own contributions.
  3. Ask them what they want – Part of motivating your employees is asking them what rewards and incentives they would like to avail. You can suggest that they meet weekly to discuss new developments and innovations in IT.
  4. Give them paid days off – While many IT employees are paid by hour, it is important that you are able to make them feel valued. Giving them paid days off is one way to show your employees that you are grateful for their ideas and contributions.

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